From "TAMING UNCERTAINTY" (R, Hertwig et al., MIT Press. 2019), the seventh paper, "Adaptive Exploration: What You See Is Up to You (D. U. Wulff, D. Markant, T. J. Pleskac and R. Hertwig).
This paper models the relationship between gaze and decision making and calls it Choice from Accumulated Samples of Experience (CHASE).
In this paper, the term "explanatory decision making" refers to making a choice based on "limited visual information obtained by simply looking in front of you," while the term "experiential decision making" refers to making a choice based on "visual information obtained by looking at things in an exploratory manner.
Until now, looking (i.e., exploration) has been treated as memory and used only as the last step in the decision-making process, and has not been taken into account as one of the steps in the decision-making process.
However, it has become clear that "what and how much to look at" has a considerable influence on decision making, and the novelty of this research is that it has simultaneously modeled the relationship between "looking time (and location) and decision making," which had not been mentioned before.